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min average 10 starts per month.

Trainers by UTRS (10-299 starts) - 2024

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Name Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings UTRS
HOLMES, JEFF J 137 45 27 19 92,986 0.484
Cleary, Robert W 141 45 26 23 587,308 0.476
Pelling, Brett G 247 76 52 36 2,370,990 0.473
Therres, Rod 130 41 24 20 158,617 0.469
Nesselroad, Eric S 129 35 32 22 437,879 0.466
Dowling, David J 147 42 33 22 90,950 0.460
Cecere, Domenico 105 35 19 8 525,723 0.459
Mc Danel, Joel D 179 53 34 27 202,608 0.452
Glassmeyer, Andrew R "A Bobby" 138 45 22 15 567,878 0.451
Schadel, Tony B 156 43 37 19 220,583 0.448
Roland, Duane E 193 46 48 35 174,324 0.437
Pilon , David 105 27 26 11 75,252 0.430
Gagnon, Guy 260 70 53 33 321,372 0.425
Grondin, Valerie M 263 58 68 45 569,503 0.421
Eriksen, Monica 274 76 43 41 286,250 0.414
Buford, Archie N 107 31 18 10 95,879 0.414
Novak, Steve G 101 32 9 14 159,919 0.413
Berry, Traci L 137 38 26 12 544,730 0.412
RENNIE, MELISSA J 229 53 48 44 198,078 0.412
Drennan, Nik R 100 27 17 14 404,999 0.411
Vafiades, Kimberly A 159 44 21 29 291,899 0.411
Daley, Daniel R "Dan" 133 31 32 15 353,925 0.404
Hess, Kent V 134 33 23 25 253,227 0.404
SIMONEAU, MARC A 200 46 40 34 173,996 0.398
Rennison, George E 157 40 25 25 80,691 0.396
Givens, Leslie O "Les" 266 62 52 43 941,034 0.396
Gallucci, Nick P 149 40 25 15 1,024,505 0.395
Campbell, J B "J Brandon" 243 59 40 43 441,526 0.393
Hauser, Adam C 273 64 46 48 253,160 0.387
Avenatti, David M 125 29 24 18 190,723 0.387
Ducharme, George G 266 69 42 31 1,346,082 0.386
Leonard, Terry L 120 28 22 18 147,524 0.385
Campbell, Landon 127 29 22 22 98,965 0.382
Loughry Jr., Tom 244 42 61 51 264,159 0.381
Gray, Alicia E 187 46 29 27 460,924 0.380
Yoder, Johnny E 205 47 39 27 385,765 0.379
Linville, Scott C 232 52 49 26 353,322 0.379
Weatherbie, Tom J 190 34 46 37 167,511 0.378
Archer, Mandy 296 73 43 43 300,434 0.376
Husted, Amy 227 54 38 30 411,086 0.375
Chindano, Maggie 275 64 55 26 474,498 0.375
Lancaster, Christopher R 124 25 26 21 128,618 0.375
Taylor, Charles M 128 22 37 15 213,296 0.372
Petrelli, Christopher A 248 57 45 30 333,890 0.371
Nisonger, Jeffrey S "Jeff" 209 40 45 37 275,215 0.370
Wine, Brandy L 139 33 20 22 325,310 0.370
Forgie, Pam M 100 23 19 10 112,346 0.369
Ferrell, Darren E 154 37 19 27 244,439 0.367
MAGUIRE, JEAN F 191 40 38 27 248,265 0.367
Johnston, Aaron M 191 37 40 32 239,569 0.366
Updated: 10/03/2024

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