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min average 10 starts per month.

Drivers by UDRS (10-299 starts) - 2024

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Name Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings UDRS
Kramer, Bradley W "Brad" 131 56 25 14 410,347 0.569
Schadel, Tony B 114 37 30 20 152,935 0.529
Roland, Duane E 169 43 44 32 163,921 0.462
Ward, David S 118 31 30 19 156,150 0.458
Gould, James A 155 43 32 23 271,321 0.442
Adamczyk, Andrew W 102 36 10 10 228,981 0.440
Clemens, Brady D 164 36 40 36 229,546 0.428
Daley, Daniel R "Dan" 130 31 29 17 329,235 0.406
Hawk, Alexander D "Alex" 245 60 43 34 277,715 0.389
Roland, Royal R 116 21 23 33 68,609 0.386
Taylor, Charles M 170 25 54 32 276,909 0.386
Roland, William R "Will" 136 28 25 27 114,180 0.374
Knight, Scott L 280 63 52 38 277,425 0.373
Harvey, Daren J 191 38 41 31 276,116 0.372
Patton, Jamaica M 122 25 22 23 101,108 0.368
MOLLOY, ALLAN G 145 31 27 19 127,742 0.361
GILLIS, RODNEY 115 25 22 12 26,421 0.358
Bateson, Gregory V "Greg" 138 31 20 21 174,946 0.356
Gassien , Reginald P 102 22 16 16 65,990 0.355
Young II, David A 164 31 24 39 165,787 0.350
Sweet, Brady C 237 51 37 32 96,433 0.347
Anderson, Robert L 157 27 34 23 108,553 0.341
Jenson, Brandon 105 20 19 14 134,340 0.335
Huckabone III, Claude L 192 34 39 25 189,384 0.333
Crowe, Darren R 138 26 29 11 41,408 0.332
Melander, Mattias V 150 31 19 24 670,818 0.330
Shaw, Christopher S "Chris" 216 32 49 36 226,840 0.330
Svanstedt , Ake 212 38 33 37 2,213,796 0.324
Buford, Archie N 232 48 31 30 179,646 0.324
Doucet, Redmond K 153 27 27 22 45,695 0.322
Roach, Timothy L "Tim" 122 22 15 27 217,982 0.322
Mofford, Ardon S 191 29 43 24 28,077 0.319
Mac Phee , Brodie A 299 44 56 57 189,581 0.315
Miller, Elson L 194 41 27 14 283,888 0.313
MCGUIGAN, MICHAEL D 134 24 22 16 131,938 0.310
Cox, Michael P "Mike" 147 23 25 25 82,848 0.308
Maxwell, Zyler M 137 21 20 28 113,742 0.303
Long, Wayne L 268 39 43 55 223,595 0.303
Watiker, Derek L 118 20 18 16 115,312 0.299
Harp, Ronald G 100 14 19 15 93,337 0.296
Kennedy, John G 101 20 11 10 14,338 0.292
Harmon, Donald D "Don" 178 19 44 22 167,015 0.285
Beltrami, Anthony S "Tony" 195 31 29 25 286,329 0.284
Pluta, Kim S 156 13 36 32 128,724 0.280
Abbott, john R 201 22 37 40 145,736 0.278
Hudon, David P 230 31 35 39 155,325 0.276
Stalbaum, Larry D 291 38 44 53 538,033 0.275
Verruso, Anthony J 173 22 26 33 254,496 0.274
MACLELLAN, DAMIAN 259 36 44 30 80,397 0.272
Calabrese, John L 103 14 14 18 152,015 0.270
Updated: 10/03/2024

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