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Trainers by Earnings - 2024

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Name Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings UTRS
Burke, Ronald J "Ron" 2954 621 440 371 16,770,059 0.335
Svanstedt , Ake 495 103 85 73 6,604,434 0.353
Alexander, Travis M 1030 254 172 156 6,209,775 0.390
Engblom, Per 1647 262 272 237 5,743,655 0.299
Melander, Marcus M 395 90 63 60 5,378,782 0.367
Takter, Nancy C 405 114 62 49 4,967,967 0.407
Alagna, Tony P 770 130 104 97 4,606,026 0.286
Miller, Ervin M "Erv" 1362 241 208 213 4,083,384 0.314
Cullipher, Jeffrey W "Jeff" 1404 272 224 194 3,980,484 0.328
Morgan Jr, Virgil V 827 215 154 109 3,821,761 0.407
Daley, Noel M 505 72 71 74 3,788,632 0.270
Di Domenico, Scott D 1107 159 173 146 2,937,982 0.274
Beaton, Anthony B 376 72 60 56 2,790,654 0.330
Burke, Michael D 861 207 150 107 2,760,112 0.379
Carter, Steven M "Steve" 1048 188 141 137 2,687,832 0.298
Ryder, Christopher J "Chris" 352 81 56 49 2,627,641 0.365
Bako, Jared W 440 103 77 41 2,587,320 0.362
Pelling, Brett G 257 77 54 39 2,550,885 0.467
Norman, Richard J "R. Nifty" 487 82 71 62 2,398,570 0.292
MacIntosh, Blake C 569 92 70 75 2,159,887 0.274
Toscano, Linda J 380 71 48 43 2,048,636 0.295
Beaver, Christopher F 555 83 97 88 2,016,722 0.299
Lorentzon, Anette 604 99 99 72 1,945,136 0.295
Butenschoen, John R 302 55 47 38 1,911,523 0.311
Bucci, Ricky A 630 93 78 93 1,902,051 0.266
Harris , Andrew S 299 33 43 35 1,825,732 0.229
Moreau , Richard 851 160 127 109 1,799,744 0.314
George, Scott T "Tyler" 578 164 94 73 1,792,399 0.416
Bongiorno, Jennifer L 591 110 82 93 1,752,141 0.316
Columbo, Joseph D 1190 130 141 151 1,749,583 0.217
Luther, Todd A 564 89 65 64 1,644,966 0.260
Stratton, Cory 642 87 103 87 1,625,123 0.270
Hall, Michael P 600 165 117 93 1,613,890 0.435
Schnittker, Raymond W "Ray" 413 49 56 59 1,610,738 0.242
Miller, Julie E 366 60 66 55 1,592,716 0.314
Blais, Luc 211 49 36 22 1,568,910 0.362
Crissman Jr, Charles F "Chuck" 841 145 117 119 1,539,891 0.297
Fellows, Robert K 686 115 97 103 1,536,055 0.296
Menary, David L 310 57 55 37 1,530,759 0.322
Bongiorno, Joseph R "Joe" 405 92 57 64 1,462,320 0.358
McNair, R G "Gregg" 549 94 97 66 1,460,320 0.309
Lachance, Patrick D "Pat" 482 68 69 83 1,444,838 0.278
CULLEN, JODIE M 804 177 108 97 1,444,529 0.335
Beckwith, Mark D 624 176 95 74 1,418,403 0.406
Crissman-Bier, Christine M "Crissy" 678 139 91 77 1,384,068 0.317
Schillaci, Jodi L 786 124 100 112 1,382,485 0.276
Harmon, Robert W "Rob" 834 142 134 121 1,371,568 0.308
Noble, Christi R 316 87 54 47 1,360,233 0.420
Haynes Jr, Walter E 492 73 78 63 1,350,968 0.279
Ducharme, George G 266 69 42 31 1,346,082 0.386
Updated: 10/10/2024

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