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Trainers by Earnings - 2007

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Name Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings UTRS
Burke, Michael J "Mickey" 2747 663 426 362 10,617,843 0.371
Miller, Ervin M "Erv" 1465 434 260 187 6,986,864 0.437
Elliott, Steve M 417 87 40 47 5,051,665 0.299
Teague Jr, George W 369 109 58 45 4,664,863 0.423
Croghan, Ross A 1002 177 159 124 4,266,182 0.306
Morgan Jr, Virgil V 1414 288 217 182 4,123,162 0.332
Ford, Mark S 1723 267 226 215 3,776,951 0.269
Smedshammer, Trond 380 70 53 41 3,661,653 0.298
Takter, Jimmy W 380 57 64 44 3,597,467 0.282
Green, Joshua L "Josh" 840 245 142 110 3,578,485 0.429
Schnittker, Raymond W "Ray" 663 111 88 89 3,566,706 0.286
Coleman , Casie 738 185 113 101 3,518,954 0.381
Daley, Noel M 732 140 110 93 3,461,747 0.317
Fusco, Carmine J 1933 388 297 252 3,441,404 0.330
Jamieson , Carl R 379 60 66 53 2,992,709 0.302
Silva, Mark A 471 85 73 56 2,976,692 0.306
Toscano, Linda J 493 94 70 56 2,862,838 0.307
Elliott, William A 542 127 73 74 2,846,126 0.355
Moreau , Richard 1357 335 219 152 2,766,638 0.374
Lare, Kevin 599 104 65 87 2,570,004 0.282
McIntosh, Robert A 499 100 74 63 2,529,828 0.325
Saunders, Bruce N 718 99 95 101 2,152,827 0.258
Norman, Richard J "R. Nifty" 615 105 93 87 2,147,405 0.302
Lachance, Patrick D "Pat" 443 73 76 65 2,108,190 0.309
Crissman, Tim D 758 159 125 104 2,075,694 0.347
Davis, Dylan P 681 163 102 84 2,045,334 0.364
Case, Timothy D 1336 232 205 169 1,956,299 0.301
McCall, Darren J 329 53 51 30 1,947,224 0.278
Steacy, Mark E 327 73 53 37 1,912,436 0.351
Arledge, James R "Jim" 704 94 82 76 1,907,543 0.234
Holloway, Joseph J "Joe" 141 34 21 18 1,899,990 0.366
Fellows, Robert D 777 119 95 105 1,886,833 0.266
Rucker, Kenneth M "Ken" 1001 221 161 128 1,826,137 0.353
Burgess, Blair R 230 36 12 39 1,803,241 0.242
Varty, Nathanial C "Nat" 466 118 69 49 1,795,089 0.371
Baillargeon, Benoit O 682 95 130 85 1,656,667 0.287
Gurfein, Ronald S "Ron" 167 33 30 22 1,654,748 0.341
Asher, Kimberly A 680 171 118 80 1,573,065 0.387
Kesmodel, Mark J 426 83 58 63 1,571,470 0.320
TOUCHETTE, PIERRE 529 105 86 72 1,559,942 0.334
Givens, Leslie O "Les" 618 116 103 70 1,555,448 0.318
Ryder, Christopher J "Chris" 405 65 58 58 1,515,124 0.288
Adam, Ernest W 573 119 90 80 1,508,695 0.341
Remmen, Larry A 373 59 67 51 1,503,681 0.304
Medeiros, Matthew A 754 152 103 92 1,496,158 0.318
MCMASTER, KEVIN P 715 99 86 101 1,482,002 0.252
McNair, R G "Gregg" 563 79 79 68 1,459,374 0.259
Harder, Mark A 403 50 52 62 1,456,740 0.247
Henriksen, Per 461 103 70 62 1,441,747 0.353
Czermann Jr, Julius S 643 106 94 70 1,439,273 0.282
Updated: 10/10/2024

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