Click on a link below to see the top 50 Drivers/Trainers in that category. Only North American racing statistics are shown, with all earnings expressed in US currency.
Trainers by Earnings
- 2007
Click on a column heading to sort these 50 rows only. To see a report of the top
using other categories, please select a link at the top of the page.
Burke, Michael J "Mickey" |
2747 |
663 |
426 |
362 |
10,617,843 |
0.371 |
Miller, Ervin M "Erv" |
1465 |
434 |
260 |
187 |
6,986,864 |
0.437 |
Elliott, Steve M |
417 |
87 |
40 |
47 |
5,051,665 |
0.299 |
Teague Jr, George W |
369 |
109 |
58 |
45 |
4,664,863 |
0.423 |
Croghan, Ross A |
1002 |
177 |
159 |
124 |
4,266,182 |
0.306 |
Morgan Jr, Virgil V |
1414 |
288 |
217 |
182 |
4,123,162 |
0.332 |
Ford, Mark S |
1723 |
267 |
226 |
215 |
3,776,951 |
0.269 |
Smedshammer, Trond |
380 |
70 |
53 |
41 |
3,661,653 |
0.298 |
Takter, Jimmy W |
380 |
57 |
64 |
44 |
3,597,467 |
0.282 |
Green, Joshua L "Josh" |
840 |
245 |
142 |
110 |
3,578,485 |
0.429 |
Schnittker, Raymond W "Ray" |
663 |
111 |
88 |
89 |
3,566,706 |
0.286 |
Coleman , Casie |
738 |
185 |
113 |
101 |
3,518,954 |
0.381 |
Daley, Noel M |
732 |
140 |
110 |
93 |
3,461,747 |
0.317 |
Fusco, Carmine J |
1933 |
388 |
297 |
252 |
3,441,404 |
0.330 |
Jamieson , Carl R |
379 |
60 |
66 |
53 |
2,992,709 |
0.302 |
Silva, Mark A |
471 |
85 |
73 |
56 |
2,976,692 |
0.306 |
Toscano, Linda J |
493 |
94 |
70 |
56 |
2,862,838 |
0.307 |
Elliott, William A |
542 |
127 |
73 |
74 |
2,846,126 |
0.355 |
Moreau , Richard |
1357 |
335 |
219 |
152 |
2,766,638 |
0.374 |
Lare, Kevin |
599 |
104 |
65 |
87 |
2,570,004 |
0.282 |
McIntosh, Robert A |
499 |
100 |
74 |
63 |
2,529,828 |
0.325 |
Saunders, Bruce N |
718 |
99 |
95 |
101 |
2,152,827 |
0.258 |
Norman, Richard J "R. Nifty" |
615 |
105 |
93 |
87 |
2,147,405 |
0.302 |
Lachance, Patrick D "Pat" |
443 |
73 |
76 |
65 |
2,108,190 |
0.309 |
Crissman, Tim D |
758 |
159 |
125 |
104 |
2,075,694 |
0.347 |
Davis, Dylan P |
681 |
163 |
102 |
84 |
2,045,334 |
0.364 |
Case, Timothy D |
1336 |
232 |
205 |
169 |
1,956,299 |
0.301 |
McCall, Darren J |
329 |
53 |
51 |
30 |
1,947,224 |
0.278 |
Steacy, Mark E |
327 |
73 |
53 |
37 |
1,912,436 |
0.351 |
Arledge, James R "Jim" |
704 |
94 |
82 |
76 |
1,907,543 |
0.234 |
Holloway, Joseph J "Joe" |
141 |
34 |
21 |
18 |
1,899,990 |
0.366 |
Fellows, Robert D |
777 |
119 |
95 |
105 |
1,886,833 |
0.266 |
Rucker, Kenneth M "Ken" |
1001 |
221 |
161 |
128 |
1,826,137 |
0.353 |
Burgess, Blair R |
230 |
36 |
12 |
39 |
1,803,241 |
0.242 |
Varty, Nathanial C "Nat" |
466 |
118 |
69 |
49 |
1,795,089 |
0.371 |
Baillargeon, Benoit O |
682 |
95 |
130 |
85 |
1,656,667 |
0.287 |
Gurfein, Ronald S "Ron" |
167 |
33 |
30 |
22 |
1,654,748 |
0.341 |
Asher, Kimberly A |
680 |
171 |
118 |
80 |
1,573,065 |
0.387 |
Kesmodel, Mark J |
426 |
83 |
58 |
63 |
1,571,470 |
0.320 |
529 |
105 |
86 |
72 |
1,559,942 |
0.334 |
Givens, Leslie O "Les" |
618 |
116 |
103 |
70 |
1,555,448 |
0.318 |
Ryder, Christopher J "Chris" |
405 |
65 |
58 |
58 |
1,515,124 |
0.288 |
Adam, Ernest W |
573 |
119 |
90 |
80 |
1,508,695 |
0.341 |
Remmen, Larry A |
373 |
59 |
67 |
51 |
1,503,681 |
0.304 |
Medeiros, Matthew A |
754 |
152 |
103 |
92 |
1,496,158 |
0.318 |
715 |
99 |
86 |
101 |
1,482,002 |
0.252 |
McNair, R G "Gregg" |
563 |
79 |
79 |
68 |
1,459,374 |
0.259 |
Harder, Mark A |
403 |
50 |
52 |
62 |
1,456,740 |
0.247 |
Henriksen, Per |
461 |
103 |
70 |
62 |
1,441,747 |
0.353 |
Czermann Jr, Julius S |
643 |
106 |
94 |
70 |
1,439,273 |
0.282 |
Updated: 10/10/2024