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Click on a link below to see the top 50 Breeders in that category. Only North American racing statistics are shown, with all earnings expressed in US currency.

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Breeders (Individual) by Wins - 2022

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Breeder Starters Winners Wins Earnings
Hanover Shoe Farms Inc 927 685 2380 35,952,023
Winbak Farm 895 613 1979 20,484,517
Steve H Stewart 243 181 678 10,820,999
Blue Chip Bloodstock Inc 175 137 494 6,125,556
Seelster Farms Inc 190 133 480 5,224,292
Brittany Farms LLC 149 113 413 8,550,346
Diamond Creek Farm LLC 135 96 364 6,386,984
Midland Acres Inc 157 113 361 3,777,001
Spring Haven Farm 151 97 344 3,900,805
Frederick W Hertrich III 136 98 334 5,575,144
Robert J Key 124 92 331 4,009,633
White Birch Farm 105 68 303 5,344,087
Crawford Farms LLC 133 87 276 4,716,839
Steve Jones 124 88 272 5,197,655
Emerald Highlands Farm 98 74 260 3,153,083
Fox Valley Standardbreds 110 71 260 2,566,730
Victory Hill Farm Inc 82 67 232 3,275,547
Vieux Carre Farms LLC 89 68 229 2,806,565
Let It Ride Stables Inc 81 56 212 2,791,105
Southwind Farms LLC 88 65 210 2,961,986
William E Andrew 64 53 188 1,129,401
Marion Beachy 61 42 168 1,438,044
Marvin Katz 69 47 167 3,774,223
Concord Stud Farm LLC 66 51 166 3,410,770
Angie M Stiller 58 50 163 1,678,312
Deo Volente Farms LLC 76 46 160 2,348,972
Rose Run Farm 56 37 159 2,703,075
C S X Stables 55 43 158 1,991,498
Kentuckiana Farms LLC 77 56 156 3,245,949
Al J Libfeld 68 47 155 3,119,689
ACL Stuteri AB 62 50 155 2,533,681
Birnam Wood Farms 51 42 154 2,074,795
Fair Winds Farm Inc 59 43 153 2,359,676
Twinbrook Limited 56 38 148 1,842,620
Tom Hill 53 35 148 1,722,401
Stephen P Dey III 53 33 146 3,660,201
Tara Hills Stud Ltd 60 41 144 2,380,114
Fashion Farms LLC 49 36 143 2,532,735
Surdale Farms LTD 36 31 133 1,182,479
Joie De Vie Farm Llc 50 37 127 1,262,186
John A Carver 42 34 126 1,488,010
Black Creek Farm 47 35 125 1,720,066
Meridian Farms 32 30 123 659,686
Estate of George F Hempt Trust 32 26 122 1,377,935
Fair Meadow Farm 55 33 122 908,270
Lindy Farms Of Conn 55 35 117 2,993,646
Steiner Stock Farm 51 34 115 1,703,221
Allan B Neurauter 40 32 115 983,863
James M Rhodes 33 26 112 758,813
Updated: 10/02/2024

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