If you are looking for a photo of a horse taken at one of our member tracks, please consult the list below for contact information. We recommend having the date of the race and race number ready along with the correct spelling of the horse's name.
Are you a harness racing photographer and want to be listed on this page?
Please contact webmaster@ustrotting.com.
Fred Brown Tioga Downs track photographer 607-625-2222 www.fredjbrown.com |
Angela Casalinova
Casalinova Photography, MGM Northfield Park Racetrack track photographer casalinovaphotography.com |
Kayla Moyer Track photographer at Ocean Downs Kayla Moyer K. Moyer Photography 443-466-7934 Facebook - Best Bet Photos |
Clive Cohen New Image Media, track photographer at Woodbine & Mohawk 416-319-5588 Facebook - WEG Photos |
Brad Conrad Track photographer at Scioto Downs, Dayton Raceway, Miami Valley Raceway, Delaware County Fair and various Ohio County fairs 614-594-2589 (Office) 740-215-5765 (Cell) conradphoto.net |
John Emmerling Buffalo Raceway track photographer 716-415-7716 www.barnstormerimages.com |
Dean Gillette Hoosier Park track photographer 260-565-9442 www.makemeaprint.com Facebook - Dean Gillette Photography's makemeaprint.com |
Chris Gooden Chris Gooden Photos, track photographer at The Meadows 724-344-9967 |
Stephanie Gray MG Photography, track photographer at First Tracks Cumberland 207-518-1990 Facebook - MG Photography maygrayphotography@gmail.com |
Jessica Hallett Track photographer at Pompano Park, Saratoga Harness 954-809-5263 JHALLETTPHOTO jessicahallett.mainer@gmail.com |
Raymond K. Lance 330-990-2037 Facebook - Ray Lance Harness Racing Photography |
Mike Lisa Lisa Photo, Inc., The Meadowlands track photographer 201-460-4071 www.michaellisaphoto.com |
Mike Lizzi Yonkers track photographer 914-457-2688 |
Wendy J. Lowery Batavia Downs track photographer 585-746-3295 Facebook - Wendy J. Photography Wendy J Photography |
Nicole Marie Four Footed Fotos, Hawthorne track photographer 773-458-8906 Facebook - Four Footed Fotos |
John Pantalone World Wide Racing Photos, track photographer at Freehold & Harrah's Philadelphia 856-546-1550 worldwideracingphotos.com |
Kathleen Riley Running Aces Track Photographer 612-558-1369 https://www.kathleenrileyphotography.com/ |
Curtis Salonick Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs track photographer 570-817-0199 |
Anne Schick Anne Schick Photography Track: Cal Expo 916-873-9546 anneschick7@gmail.com |
Melissa Simser Saratoga track photographer 518-646-1397 Melissa Simser Photography Facebook - Melissa Simser Photography |
Skip Smith Pompano Park track photographer 561-414-3512 |
Amanda Stephens Red Mile track photographer 606-226-2532 Amanda Stephens Photo |
Nicole Tate Photography Running Aces Track Photographer 651-303-0610 nicoletatephotography@gmail.com https://www.nicoletatephotography.com |
Chris Tully 845-807-7538 www.christullytrot.com |