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min average 10 starts per month.

Drivers by UDRS (10-299 starts) - 2019

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Name Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings UDRS
Roland, William R "Will" 152 49 29 19 169,344 0.470
Hammer, Roger R 187 51 38 37 175,177 0.452
Anderson, Robert L 144 37 30 30 152,503 0.442
Gillespie, Ronnie 273 74 57 35 230,160 0.430
Gassien , Reginald P 178 47 38 25 117,383 0.429
GILLIS, RODNEY 142 35 34 19 23,785 0.424
Patton Jr, Freddie L 157 37 38 17 134,889 0.406
Pezzarello, Mark J 148 35 25 28 23,283 0.393
Doucet, Redmond K 224 49 44 36 66,153 0.381
Schoeffel, Stephen J "Steve" 150 34 27 24 139,649 0.380
Holton, Ryan S 129 30 21 21 128,264 0.377
MACDONALD, MARY C 131 27 27 18 153,309 0.366
Trites, Todd G 271 64 38 42 72,316 0.366
Svanstedt , Ake 262 55 50 35 3,323,513 0.360
Davidson Sr, John G 123 20 28 26 25,038 0.360
Kramer, Bradley W "Brad" 279 62 45 39 308,615 0.358
Gendron, Stephane 292 66 44 41 264,949 0.357
Smedshammer, Trond 120 23 24 19 730,153 0.356
Roland, Duane E 156 22 38 36 97,695 0.353
Hauser, Adam C 195 37 30 43 163,868 0.349
Putnam Jr, Carl A 213 44 32 34 195,880 0.343
Rheinheimer, Matthew W "Matt" 163 28 29 33 124,557 0.338
Watiker, Derek L 168 33 31 19 199,811 0.337
CAMPBELL, RYAN C 175 35 28 25 26,569 0.337
Crowe, Darren R 177 27 41 28 42,045 0.334
Nason, John S 138 24 23 28 208,281 0.334
Schadel, Tony B 136 25 24 21 238,558 0.333
Plante , Jean R 181 38 26 23 162,149 0.332
Hershberger, Jonas D 174 23 36 44 156,789 0.331
Therres, Rod 227 48 29 28 306,567 0.324
Brown, Beau M 200 32 37 30 150,157 0.313
Stiltner II, James E 185 28 36 29 140,517 0.312
Hershberger, Ammon D 158 26 27 25 127,648 0.312
Harvey, Daren J 184 30 30 32 145,970 0.312
Davies, Ivan J 190 34 27 31 378,606 0.312
Stark Jr, John W 166 34 19 21 346,986 0.311
Kennedy, John G 233 38 39 35 28,176 0.306
Patton, Jamaica M 227 36 41 29 190,696 0.302
Gregory, Jeffrey M "Jeff" 134 24 20 14 437,449 0.297
Bolon, Kyle D 245 38 41 35 219,331 0.296
Chappell , John D 235 35 43 31 192,803 0.295
Curtin, Timothy W "Tim" 143 24 20 21 169,963 0.294
Heffernan, Myles 172 28 24 27 69,698 0.293
Cisco, Scott R 290 44 44 49 221,534 0.292
Holliday, Kenneth R "Ken" 282 42 44 46 236,918 0.290
Bobbitt, Geremy C 207 36 26 27 92,542 0.287
Boyd , Nicholas R 252 40 36 29 143,796 0.276
Voyer , Carol 151 25 21 15 64,396 0.276
Long, Wayne L 281 40 46 35 254,665 0.275
Avenatti, Wyatt A 231 36 31 28 123,603 0.271
Greeno, Edward A "Ed" 127 19 14 23 150,162 0.271
Updated: 12/06/2024

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