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Breeders (Individual) by Earnings - 2021

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Breeder Starters Winners Wins Earnings
Hanover Shoe Farms Inc 954 706 2438 35,222,569
Winbak Farm 939 606 1954 19,269,226
Steve H Stewart 248 169 564 9,361,781
Brittany Farms LLC 163 132 474 8,244,907
Blue Chip Bloodstock Inc 189 132 469 5,336,064
Frederick W Hertrich III 137 90 309 4,828,995
Seelster Farms Inc 191 131 427 4,554,954
White Birch Farm 125 84 257 4,357,946
Midland Acres Inc 165 113 391 3,756,241
Diamond Creek Farm LLC 128 89 287 3,651,857
Spring Haven Farm 150 99 340 3,502,411
Steve Jones 104 68 228 3,378,448
Crawford Farms LLC 99 65 228 3,121,965
Robert J Key 126 80 266 3,039,263
Kentuckiana Farms LLC 72 47 148 2,859,899
Vieux Carre Farms LLC 93 72 201 2,743,109
Lindy Farms Of Conn 58 38 116 2,722,230
Victory Hill Farm Inc 86 66 233 2,665,451
Order By Stable AB 36 27 90 2,559,579
Southwind Farms LLC 73 51 169 2,524,716
Emerald Highlands Farm 94 67 242 2,370,881
Marvin Katz 59 39 115 2,332,021
Al J Libfeld 58 40 114 2,262,599
Deo Volente Farms LLC 67 49 162 2,258,101
ACL Stuteri AB 63 48 164 2,239,021
Steiner Stock Farm 46 35 131 2,177,059
Concord Stud Farm LLC 58 34 116 2,116,628
Stephen P Dey III 43 26 115 2,049,604
Fair Winds Farm Inc 57 38 131 2,027,103
Black Creek Farm 40 25 70 2,007,720
William D Walters 29 24 101 1,989,200
Millar Farms 39 26 91 1,932,080
Joseph P McLead 27 23 96 1,909,867
Fashion Farms LLC 57 37 110 1,851,722
Fox Valley Standardbreds 93 61 217 1,797,448
C S X Stables 57 45 167 1,735,323
Birnam Wood Farms 59 38 151 1,642,889
Let It Ride Stables Inc 59 40 165 1,600,500
Burke Racing Stable LLC 27 18 79 1,581,578
Weaver Bruscemi LLC 27 18 79 1,581,578
Jonas L Schlabach 34 21 91 1,567,003
Tom Hill 40 32 132 1,563,203
Estate of George F Hempt Trust 47 38 157 1,527,164
Val D'Or Farms 11 10 30 1,517,628
Walnut Hall Limited 39 28 120 1,461,637
Raymond W Schnittker 28 17 58 1,428,117
John A Carver 55 35 139 1,421,497
Twinbrook Limited 51 35 118 1,404,975
Martin Schmucker 12 12 46 1,403,705
Updated: 12/05/2024

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