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Trainers by Earnings - 2021

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Name Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings UTRS
Burke, Ronald J "Ron" 4797 985 804 641 21,775,490 0.343
Alagna, Tony P 975 212 149 136 7,985,385 0.349
Svanstedt , Ake 516 104 71 72 6,312,341 0.325
Norman, Richard J "R. Nifty" 659 142 102 89 6,053,131 0.346
Bongiorno, Jennifer L 1196 271 193 168 5,084,722 0.363
Takter, Nancy C 559 101 81 67 4,834,740 0.301
Pelling, Brett G 330 105 57 46 4,464,307 0.461
Miller, Ervin M "Erv" 1285 247 190 164 4,120,251 0.317
Cullipher, Jeffrey W "Jeff" 1555 240 200 182 4,044,445 0.265
Melander, Marcus M 401 71 70 53 3,784,017 0.318
Di Domenico, Scott D 1315 231 192 184 3,294,725 0.303
Beaver, Christopher F 643 141 100 89 3,080,713 0.352
Morgan Jr, Virgil V 1002 229 143 117 3,074,593 0.347
Moreau , Richard 1317 236 199 202 2,950,337 0.314
Miller, Julie E 538 125 87 76 2,911,699 0.369
King Jr, James T "Jim" 644 120 108 83 2,793,667 0.322
Toscano, Linda J 440 79 76 63 2,746,521 0.323
Luther, Todd A 851 130 105 106 2,569,485 0.263
Garcia-Herrera, Gilberto "Gilbert" 1037 180 154 126 2,563,651 0.297
Auciello , Carmen E 1507 167 182 201 2,463,809 0.222
Ryder, Christopher J "Chris" 400 60 67 52 2,400,687 0.286
Lorentzon, Anette 824 141 121 124 2,326,174 0.303
Noble, Christi R 509 107 87 66 2,293,541 0.348
Schnittker, Raymond W "Ray" 437 64 80 60 2,199,763 0.294
DeVita, Nicholas F 671 113 113 74 2,134,885 0.299
Alexander, Travis M 554 101 82 84 2,112,387 0.315
Brown, Brian D 379 85 86 59 2,062,601 0.402
Blais, Luc 266 44 43 40 1,931,026 0.305
Harris , Andrew S 692 100 112 92 1,891,861 0.279
Holloway, Joseph J "Joe" 94 22 20 8 1,875,739 0.381
Crissman Jr, Charles F "Chuck" 844 173 144 108 1,834,797 0.342
Daley, Noel M 436 67 59 61 1,817,166 0.275
George, Scott T "Tyler" 585 174 100 52 1,727,913 0.422
Gallucci, Nick P 203 63 34 18 1,707,008 0.433
Engblom, Per 342 65 40 34 1,670,149 0.288
Wrenn, Melanie 387 74 56 61 1,625,576 0.324
Columbo, Joseph D 1083 119 134 169 1,614,463 0.231
Davis, Dylan P 469 95 79 68 1,592,960 0.344
Schillaci, Samuel J "Sam" 1147 175 174 139 1,586,901 0.277
Stafford, Paul R 695 99 84 95 1,566,889 0.255
Baillargeon, Benoit O 516 82 70 56 1,565,466 0.270
Ducharme, George G 343 74 61 43 1,537,857 0.356
Bucci, Ricky A 504 74 66 75 1,532,046 0.269
Cecere, Domenico 236 64 33 37 1,513,461 0.401
Moore, Ian 246 38 43 31 1,481,091 0.294
Fanning, Thomas W "Tom" 513 82 74 66 1,466,801 0.283
Miller, LeWayne L 525 75 85 66 1,456,829 0.275
Wagner, John W 922 131 133 129 1,442,534 0.269
Carter, Steven M "Steve" 328 56 68 51 1,433,646 0.338
Hudson, Lance H 473 63 85 75 1,412,858 0.286
Updated: 12/06/2024

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